Where is the Library Located? The Main Library is located inside Trinity Presbyterian Church at 420 Melrose Avenue Santa Cruz. The entrance is on the Popular Street side of our Campus through the Fellowship Hall to the Right of the Kitchen.
When is the Library Open? 10AM to Noon on Thursdays, and during Coffee Hour on Sunday... usually around 11:45 AM.
Is there WiFi? Free Wi-Fi is available during library hours. The password is posted on the inside wall.
Can I make an appointment? If you wish to make an appoint to use the library on days other than Thursdays or Sundays please email Larry the Librarian.
Hospitality: Free French Press Coffee is provided on Thursdays along with some individually packaged snacks.
How do I check out a book? There is a clipboard located on the library table. Sign in with your name, phone number title of the book(s) and the date
Are there overdue fees? There is no such thing as an overdue book and there are no fines. You may be called if you have the book for several months or if another patron requests the book in your possession.
What type of books will I find? Our collection includes Bible Commentaries and resources, a World Religion Section, including Jewish, Islam and Buddhism.
We have a large section on meditative and devotional books and classics. We also have a strong theology section with many Hans Kung and Mircea Eliade holdings along with several Liberation Theologians. Another Large section contains books about Jesus his message, his life and his social context. We have smaller sections including liturgical aids and hymnals, Presbyterian Guides, sociology, war and peace, and church history. For a new user the best way to start is to go to our Quick Reference shelf which includes New York Times Bestsellers, Staff Picks, New Arrivals, Book Club selections, general fiction, games and jigsaw puzzles that are available for check out.
May I donate books? We welcome donations, however please restrict your donation drops to the posted hours or make an appointment. We ask that you do not donate damaged books. We are looking for books which Amazon would list as Very Good Condition or Like New. Also we are also primarily looking for books that fit into the categories listed in the paragraph above.
May I donate money? Checks should be made out to Trinity Presbyterian Church with a note on the check indicating that is for the library. We also accept cash donations and can provide you with a receipt. You can also donate online here.